RX series

  • Expand testing capabilities on one intuitive compact platform with the world leading RX series test menu
  • Ability to perform both routine and specialised testing, including routine chemistries, lipids, antioxidants, cardiac and diabetes testing
  • Capable of analysing a variety of sample types, including: Serum, Plasma, Urine, Wine and Honey
  • Automatic flagging of errors ensures timely troubleshooting for accurate results
  • Advanced QC software allows performance to be monitored at all times
  • Advanced password protection function ensures confidentiality of results
  • Extremely small footprint, takes up minimal space in laboratory and is easily transported
  • Up to 10 wavelengths can be generated via solid state filter device (340-700nm standard)
  • Ability to run both flow cell and cuvette mode
  • 3 levels of password protection available enabling different user access levels
  • Multiple languages available for extra convenience
  • Intuitive icon based, touch screen technology for ease of use
  • USB port for importing Randox defined test menus, and exporting patient, QC and Calibration results
  • Minimal maintenance required, simple on screen instructions will guide the user through maintenance steps required
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Online help guide available to assist user with analyser functions, troubleshooting and maintenance queries
  • Integrated barcode readers for reagent and sample identification
  • User friendly Microsoft Windows® based software
  • Generation of Levey-Jennings charts, calibration curves and QC statistics
  • Extensive test menu covering routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary testing
  • Capable of analysing a variety of sample types: Serum, Plasma, Urine, Supernatants
  • Cuvette check function ensures only clean and viable reaction vessels are used
  • Built in inventory management system automatically reports remaining reagent volume
  • Sample volume of just 3 – 35μl (0.1μl increments)
  • Available as a bench top or floor standing model
  • User defined QC multi point rules
  • Calibration options include 1point, 2 point, multi-point & non-linearity method
  • QC history can be viewed
  • 3 levels of password protection available enabling different levels of access
  • Built in inventory management system automatically reports remaining reagent volume
  • Separate sample and reagent pipettes including liquid level sensors, crash protection and clot detection
  • Dual 5 speed stirrers optimised for each assay ensuring better performance
  • Sample volume of just 1.5μl (0.1μl increments)
  • User friendly Microsoft Windows® based software
  • Generation of Levey-Jennings charts, calibration curves and QC statistics
  • Minimal maintenance required
  • Integrated barcode readers for reagent and sample identification
  • Extensive test menu covering routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary testing
  • Capable of analysing a variety of sample types: Serum, Plasma, Urine, Supernatants
  • Cooled reagent carousel ensures reagents can be stored on-board the analyser without compromising stability
  • Option to use standard sample cups or paediatric cups for small sample volumes
  • Calibration options include: Factor, Linear, Point to point, Log-logit, Exponential, Spline and Spline 2
  • QC history can be viewed
  • 3 levels of password protection available enabling different levels of access
  • Long life span cuvettes of approx. 5 years
  • Built in inventory management system to monitor reagent volumes and remaining number of tests
  • Capable of a medium to high throughput
  • Sample volume of just 2-35μl (0.1μl increments)
  • Extensive test menu covering routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary testing
  • Urine, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Supernatants
  • Capable of analysing a variety of sample types: Serum, Plasma
  • User friendly Microsoft Windows® based software
  • Generation of Levey-Jennings charts, calibration curves and QC statistics
  • Daily maintenance takes less than 5 minutes
  • Integrated barcode readers for reagents and sample management
  • Calibration options include: Factor, Linear, 2 Point, Point to point, Spline, Log-logit and Exponential
  • QC history can be viewed
  • 3 levels of password protection available enabling different levels of access
  • Built in inventory management system automatically calculates remaining reagent volume and the number of tests available, alert for shortage, expired reagent and expired calibration
  • Automatic test re-run function with diluted, reduced or increased sample volume saves time and reduces risk of human error
  • Automatic sample dilution
  • Continuous loading allows emergency samples to be added and prioritised during run saving time when it matters most
  • Large range of tests available, including routine and unique assays optimised for superior performance
  • Ability to run specific proteins removes the need for a separate nephelometry system
  • Direct HbA1c testing capabilities
  • User friendly Microsoft Windows® based software
  • Interactive touch-screen technology
  • Barcode readers for both sample and reagent identification
  • Simple twice yearly preventative maintenance
  • 13 wavelengths generated via diffraction grating ranging 340-800nm
  • Capable of running end point, 2 point end rate, 2 point rate and ISE
  • 7 different calibration options available including; Factor, Linear, Point to point, Log-logit, Exponential, Spline and Spline 2
Acetic AcidCK-MBLactate
Alkaline PhosphataseTotalMalic Acid
ALT (GPT)CopperMicroalbumin
AmmoniaCreatinineNEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids)
AmylaseCystatin CPhosphorus (Inorganic)
Apolipoprotein A-1D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut)Potassium
Apolipoprotein BDirect HDL CholesterolSodium
ASODirect LDL CholesterolSuperoxide Dismutase (Ransod)
AST (GOT)G-6-PDHTotal Antioxidant Status
Beta-2 MicroglobulinGamma - GTTotal Protein
Bile acidsGLDHTriglycerides
Bilirubin (Direct)Glucose OxidaseUrea
Bilirubin (Total)Glucose HexokinaseUric Acid
CalciumGlutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)Urinary protein
ChlorideGlutathione ReductaseZinc
Cholinesterase (Butyryl)Iron
Acetic AcidCopperLDL Cholesterol (Direct)
AldolaseCRPLipoprotein (a)
Alkaline PhosphataseCRP Full Range (0.3-160mg/l)Magnesium
ALT (GPT)CRP High SensitivityMalic Acid
AmmoniaCystatin CMicroalbumin
AmylaseEthanolNEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids)
Apolipoprotein A -1FerritinPancreatic Amylase
Apolipoprotein AIIFructosaminePhenobarbitol
Apolipoprotein BG-6-PDHPhenytoin
Apolipoprotein CIIGamma GTPhosphorus
Apolipoprotein CIIIGLDHPotassium (Non-Direct)
Apolipoprotein EGlucoseRheumatoid Factor
AST (GOT)Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)Sodium (Non-Direct)
Beta-2 MicroglobulinGlutathione ReductasesTfR
Bile AcidsGlycerolSuperoxide Dismutase (Ransod)
Bilirubin (Direct & Total)HaptoglobinTIBC
CalciumHbA1c (Direct)Total Antioxidant Status
Canine CRPHbA1c/Hb (Indirect)Total Protein
CarbamazepineHDL Cholesterol (Direct)Transferrin
Chloride (Non-Direct)HomocysteineTransthyretin (Prealbumin)
CholesterolHydroxybutyrate (Ranbut)Triglycerides
Cholinesterase (Butyryl)IgAUrea
CK-MBIgEUric Acid
CK-NACIgGUrinary Protein
CO2IgMValproic Acid
Complement Component 3Lactate
Complement Component 4LDH

